What Is An Asscher Cut Diamond?
Diamond cuts such as Asscher Cut Diamonds are trendy due to their shine, durability, and symbolization of commitment. However, diamonds are expensive, so diamond simulants must be considered. Another question arises: What is an Asscher Cut Diamond? To understand that, you must understand the difference between Asscher Cut and traditional.
- Asscher Cut is a square cut; traditional is round-cut
- Round-cut diamonds are more socially desirable
- Asscher Cut diamonds have external but no internal brilliance
- Round-cut diamonds can be placed in more settings
What Are Asscher Cut Diamonds?
An Asscher Cut Diamond is an octagonal shaped stone. There are two types of Asscher Cut Diamond: Standard and Royal Cut. The standard Asscher Cut features 58 facets across the stone; unfortunately, the patent expired with the artisans during the 2nd World War. Part of the Asscher Cut’s magic is that the corners are squared instead of cut. However, this is not especially noticeable.
The quality of Asscher Cut diamonds is so high that you can look directly into the center of the rock; for this reason, many jewelers recommend a clarity grade of VS2 at minimum when purchasing the Asscher Cut diamonds. An Asscher Cut diamond is explicitly ground to maximize the clarity and luster of the stone, as opposed to the “fire” or brilliance in other precious stone cuts. Asscher Cut diamonds use between 65-75% of the rough-cut diamond compared to other stones due to the cuts and small margin for error. Additionally, the square cut means only the highest-quality diamonds are recommended for Asscher Cuts.
Asscher Cut & Traditional Diamonds: Main Differences
Asscher Cut diamonds are different from traditional diamonds in several ways. First, their cut style differs entirely from a traditional “round cut” diamond. Asscher Cut diamonds are “square cut,” meaning their corners are straight lines, and the main body of the stone is left as either square or rectangular, depending on preference. They also look smaller, as their “weight” in carats is concentrated in the center due to the cut style. Their silhouettes are also different.
- Traditional and Asscher diamonds both have 58 facets as standard
- Traditional diamonds are round-cut, and Asscher Cuts are square cut
- Asscher Cut requires higher quality due to the cut style
- Asscher Cut can have up to 78 facets as opposed to 58
Asscher Cut & Royal Asscher Cut
There are two permutations within the Asscher Cut itself: Asscher Cut and Royal Asscher Cut Diamonds. Asscher Cuts are generally 58 facets as standard, whereas Royal Asscher diamonds are 78 facets; additional cuts are made to improve the Asscher Cut. However, more than 78 cuts will turn the Asscher Cut diamond into more of a round-cut diamond, so caution is exercised.
Asscher Cut diamonds tend to be more expensive than traditional diamonds due to the unusual cut; a square-cut diamond cannot hide imperfections like round-cut diamonds can. As such, special care must be taken to ensure that the base diamond is perfect and the cuts are immaculate. Additionally, square cuts make an Asscher Cut tougher to produce, as the corners need exact measurements.
Asscher Cut Diamonds produce brilliance, unlike any other diamond cut. While they do not display the brilliance of traditional round-cut, white diamonds, Asscher Cut diamonds tend to be the highest quality stones, lending a stunning external brilliance. The shape of the stone means that it does not have “inner brilliance”; therefore, the high quality ensures external brilliance. However, the lack of inner brilliance means you can look right through to the center of the stone, a magical effect by itself.
Should I Buy an Asscher Cut Diamond?
If you want a beautiful non-traditional diamond in a beautiful setting, you should consider an Asscher Cut diamond. Even as a square-cut diamond, they are stunningly beautiful and will captivate even the most hardened critic. Contact SG Jeweler for expert advice on maintenance, fitting, settings, and finances.
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